Relax Time

I have finally finished this semester!! It feels as if a weight has been lifted of my shoulders. Finals week was stressful and I was holding my anxiety inside. That is probably the worst thing to do but I got through the week and received my grades. Holding that anxiety inside and not talking about it made my stomach feel like it was in a constant knot. Everyday that knot kept getting tighter and tighter.

Now is the time that I can relax and take a deep breath. I have been going to the gym much more which feels great physically and mentally. My body just sweats away the stress that I built up over the past months and my mind just focuses on what exercise I am doing.

Most of my anxiety now comes from not knowing what to do with myself! Most of you don’t know me but I am a person that constantly needs to be doing something. I am trying to focus on telling myself that sometimes doing nothing is the best thing to do. Not all the time but after a long semester and working, there are a few days where my body needs to rest. This goes for you too. Sometimes we all need to take a day to relax. Whether that might be binge watching a new series on Netflix, going to the spa, or simply staying in bed for most of the day and reading a book.

I know I always make posts saying that I’m sorry I haven’t been writing lately but I just needed a few days to myself after finals to relax. I am sure all of you understand but I wanted to let you know that I am aiming to post once a week now that I am out of school for the summer. Keep commenting on my posts to let me know what you want to hear! Also if there are any blogs that you love and would like to share with me let me know as well! I hope you all have a great week!

Rachel B.


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